Download the Local Rules and Course Information as a PDF document.
SaddleBrooke Golf Club
Local Rules & Course Information
Local Rules
Play is governed by the Rules of Golf of the R&A and USGA and the following Local Rules.
Alternative to Stroke-and-Distance for a Ball That is Lost or Out of Bounds:
When a player's ball cannot be found or is known or virtually certainto be out of bounds, the player may proceed as follows rather than proceeding under stroke-and- distance.
For two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping the original ball or a substituted ball in this relief area (see Rule 14.3):
Two Estimated Reference Points:
a. Ball Reference Point: The point where the original ball:
-- Is estimated to have come to rest on the course, or
-- Last crossed the edge of the courseboundary to go out of bounds.
b. Fairway Reference Point: The point of fairway of the holebeing played that is nearest to the ball reference point, butis not nearer the holethan the ball reference point.
-- For purposes of this Local Rule, fairway means any area of grass in the general areathat is cut to fairway height or less.
-- If a ball is estimated to be lost on the course or last crossed the edge of the course boundary short of the fairway, the fairway reference point may be a teeing ground for the hole being played.
Size of Relief Area Based on the Reference Points: Anywhere between:
-- A line from the holethrough the ball reference point (or within two club-lengths to the outside of that line), and
-- A line from the holethrough the fairway reference point (or within two club-lengthsto the outside of that line).
But with these limits:
-- Must be in the general area, and
-- Must not be nearer the holethan the ball reference point.
Once a player puts a ball in play under this Local Rule:
-- The original ball that was lost or out of bounds is no longer in play and must not be played.
-- This is true even if the ball is found on the course before the end of the three-minute search time (see Rule 6.3b).
But the player may not use this option when:
-- The ball is known or virtually certainto have come to rest in a penalty area, or
-- The player has played another ball provisionally under penalty of stroke-and- distance(see Rule 18.3).
-- A player may use this option to take relief for a provisional ball that has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds.
Penalty for playing a ball from the wrong place in breach of this Local Rule: General Penalty under Rule 14.7a.
Diagrams illustrating relief under this rule are attached.
No Play Zones:
-- Any landscaped area containing decorative rock which is not marked by white painted lines is a no play zone that is to be treated as an abnormal course condition. Free reliefmust be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 16.1f.
-- Any area marked by painted lines, including young trees, is a no play zone that is to be treated as an abnormal course condition. Free relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 16.1f.
-- Any area marked by redstakes with a greentop and red painted lines is a no play zonein a penalty area. When a ball is in the no play zone in a penalty area, the ball must notbe played as it lies. Rule 17.1e. Relief mustbe taken from interference by the no play zone, with a one stroke penalty, under Rule 17.1d or 17.2.
Penalty for playing a ball from the wrong place in breach of Rule 16.1f or 17.1e: General Penalty under Rule 14.7a.
Out of Bounds: Defined by the course-side edge of any walls, property lines, and the curbs of any roadways bordering the course, and within those boundaries, any white stakes, lines, and/or white painted curbs.
Ground Under Repair:Areas of the course marked with white painted lines are "ground under repair" and relief is allowed, without penalty, under Rule 16.1.
Young Trees:Young trees identified by white painted lines are no play zones:
· If a players ball lies anywhere on the course other than in a penalty area and it lies on or touches such a tree or such a tree interferes with the players stance or area of intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 16.1f.
· If the ball lies in a penalty area, and interference to the players stance or area of intended swing exists from such a tree, the player must take relief either with penalty under Rule 17.1eor with free relief under Rule 17.1e(2).
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a
Immoveable Obstructions Close to the Putting Green: If the ball is in the General Area, the player may take relief, without penalty, under Rule 16.1b if an immovable obstruction is on the line of play and is: (a) within two club-lengths of the putting green, and (b) within two club-lengths of the ball.
Exception -- No Relief If Line of Play Clearly Unreasonable. There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.
Drainage Areas: Except in a penalty area, free relief under Rule 16.1 for all concrete drainage inlets and outlets, large rocks in drainage channels, concrete culverts and pads, French drains, and plastic drain pipes.
· Bridges on Catalina 5 and 7: The first cart bridge on Catalina 5 and the cart bridge on Catalina 7 are immovable obstructions with relief, without penalty, under Rule 16.1.
· The second bridge on Catalina 5 and the foot bridge are in A No Play Zone – a Red Stake with a Green Top– and the player cannot play from inside a no play zone; Relief must be taken from the no play zone, with a one stroke penalty, under rule 17.1d or 17.2
The concrete soil retention grids and attached bare dirt areas are abnormal ground conditions and free relief is available under Rule 16.1.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.
Drop Zone on SaddleBrooke 2: If a ball is in the penalty area on SaddleBrooke 2, including when it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found came to rest in the penalty area, the player has these relief options, each for one penalty stroke: ( i) take relief under Rule 17.1, or (ii) as an extra option, drop the original ball or another ball in the designated drop zone, which is a relief area under Rule 14.3.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.
Aeration Holes: If a player's ball lies in or touches an aeration hole:
(a) Ball in General Area. The player may take relief, without penalty, under Rule 16.1b. If the ball comes to rest in another aeration hole the player may take relief again under this Local Rule.
(b) Ball on Putting Green. The player may take relief, without penalty, under Rule 16.1d.
But interference does not exist if the aeration hole only interferes with the players stance or, on the putting green, on the players line of play.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General PenaltyUnder Rule 14.7a.
Preferred Lies (Lift, Clean, and Place): After adverse weather conditions or during periods of heavy irrigation over-seeding, the head golf professional may declare that preferred lies may be used in the general area of the course cut to fairway height or less and the following local rule shall apply only during that designated period:
When a players ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from this relief area:
· Reference Point: Spot of the original ball.
· Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: 6 inches from the reference point, but with these limits:
o Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
o Must be in the general area.
In proceeding under this Local Rule, the player must choose a spot to place the ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14.2b(2) and 14.2e.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.
Metal & Traditional Spikes: Rule 4.3a is modified as follows: During a round, a player must not wear shoes with:
· Spikes having single or multiple points designed to penetrate deeply into the surface of the ground.
· Penalty for Breach of Local Rule -- see Rule 4.3.
Pace of Play:Under normal conditions, expected pace of play is 2 hours, 5 minutes per nine holes. When the course is restricted to cart path only, the expected pace of play of 2 hours, 15 minutes per nine holes. The course rangers are authorized to enforce these rules.
1. GENERAL AREA- the area of the course that covers all of the course EXCEPT (1) the teeing area the player must play from in starting the hole (2) all Penalty Areas and (3) all Bunkers and (4) the putting green of the hole the player is playing. The general area includes all teeing locations on the course other than the teeing area and all wrong greens.
2.ABNORMAL COURSE CONDITIONS - Any of these four defined
areas: (1) Animal Hole, (2) Ground Under Repair, (3) Immovable
Objects, or (4) Temporary Water.
2.NO PLAY ZONE- A part of the course where the committee
prohibited play - Decorative Rock Areas (abnormal course
NO PLAY PENALTY ZONES - The committee may define specific No Play PENALTY Zones with Red Stakes
with Green tops for any reason, such as: Protecting players from
Danger and protecting wildlife, animal habitats, environmentally
sensitive areas.
3.GROUND UNDER REPAIR- Any part of the course the
Committee defines to be ground under repair (whether by
marking it or otherwise).
4.PENALTY AREA - Red staked or lined areas from which
relief with a one stroke penalty is allowed if your ball comes
to rest there.Ball may be played as it lies with no penalty.
5. RELIEF AREA -The area where you must drop a ball when
taking relief under a Rule. Each relief Rule requires that you
use a specific relief area whose size and location is based
on three factors (1) Reference Point, (2) Size of Relief Area
Measure from Reference Point and (3) Limits of Location of
Relief Area.
6. PROVISIONAL BALL- Another ball played in case the ball just
played by you may be OUT OF BOUNDS OR LOST OUTSIDE
7. KNOWN OR VIRTUALLY CERTAIN- the standard for deciding
what happened to your ball. (1) there is conclusive evidence as to
what happened to your ball - seen by you or witnessed by others,
(2) all reasonably available information indicates it is 95% likely
that the event happened.
8. GENERAL PENALTY- Loss of hole in match play or two stroke
penalty in stroke play.
Click to download Diagrams--Local Rule Ball Lost or Out of Bounds Ball Not Found
Assistant Golf Professional| 520-917-3781 |