Club Objectives: Bring together residents who share common interest in RV lifestyle
Restrictions: An RV is required to be part of the club; members have one year from the time they join the club to buy an RV. Current member who sell their RV have one year to buy a replacement RV.
Meeting Date: 2nd Tuesday, Jan - Mar; Sep - Nov
Meeting Time: 7PM
Meeting Place: SaddleBrooke
Club Meeting Room: Activity Center
Contact: Pat Arruda
Contact: Vicki Browne
Dues & Fees: $30.00 annually(Click here for Information)
Institute For Learning In Retirement
Metaphysical Study Group (MSG)
Questers Catalina Timewalkers Chapter
SaddleBrooke Great Decisions Discussion Group
SaddleBrooke Plant Based Nutrition Group
SaddleBrooke Western Heritage Preservation Club
Saturday Morning Science Discussion Group