SaddleBrooke Republican Club

Club Objectives: shall be to uphold the principles and policies in the Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and the Republican Party Platform. The Club shall also be a forum for Republicans to:

A.    Elect qualified Republicans to local, state, and federal offices.

B.     Disseminate information to SBRC members and the community.          

C.    Provide a forum for Republican Party candidates and policy discussion.

               D.    Provide Republican fellowship and conversation.

Restrictions: yes (must be Republican, Independent or no declared party)
Meeting Date: 2nd Tuesday of the month 
Meeting Time: Doors Open 3:00 PM, meeting starts promptly at 3:30 PM
Meeting Place: DesertView Theatre 
Club Meeting Room: 
Contact: Gloria Wolf, Membership 
Contact: Kathleen Dunbar, Communications & Special Events 
Dues & Fees: $30.00 Annually 

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Please contact with updates to club information.