SaddleBrooke Singers

Club Objectives: To rehearse and present choral music in concerts
Restrictions: yes (must be a singer); the ability to read a vocal musical score is helpful
Meeting Date: Sunday; Jan - Mar; Sep - Nov
Meeting Time: 2:30 PM
Meeting Place: SaddleBrooke
Club Meeting Room: Activity Center
Contact: Claudia Kistler
Contact: Bruce Kistler
Dues & Fees: $35.00 Semiannual
Click Here for Website

SADDLEBROOKE SINGERS SOCIAL: You’re are invited to join the “Singers” on Sunday, September 11th at 2:30 at the HOA 1 Activity Center to learn more about singing with us. Enjoy a cookie and a beverage. Meet our president, Claudia and converse with the “Singers.” Review the music to be performed on 12/10/22 at DVPAC. See our website for more information or phone Claudia at (520) 306-2113.

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Please contact with updates to club information.