Western Heritage Preservation Club

Club Objectives: Promote and preserve the heritage of the Old West through story, lecture, western music, and cowboy poetry.  Members are encouraged to participate and perform with readings, musical offerings, and poetry recitation that represents the culture of the Old West.  Outside resource persons will be invited to meetings from time to time to enhance the experience.
Restrictions: Must be a resident of SaddleBrooke One, HOA#2 or SaddleBrooke Ranch
Meeting Date: As scheduled by officers, usually two Friday evenings a month, September through April
Meeting Time: 6:00PM
Meeting Place: TBD
Club Meeting Room: TBD
Contact: Chas Shafer
              970-749-3444, 970-259-6262
Contact: Alan Mollenkopf
Dues & Fees: $10.00 per household  Annually

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Please contact clubs@saddlebrooke.org with updates to club information.